What is ELL and How Can I Help?

Written by Dr. Leroy Pepper

“What do you call someone who speaks several languages?” This is how a cute three-part riddle about learning languages begins. The answer, of course, is “multi-lingual.” “What do you call someone who speaks only two languages?” “Bi-lingual.” “What do you call someone who speaks only one language?” “An American!”

In reality, American folks at VCN speak several different languages. Besides English, some speak Spanish, some speak Ukrainian, some speak Greek, some speak Italian, some speak Russian, some speak Arabic, some speak Portuguese, and I’m sure I have missed a few. But what is distinctive about those of us who love and serve Jesus is that we are all learning to speak the Bible language of Christian love. And the clearest expression of this kind of love is our generous service to others.

One opportunity to express our loving service is in the making. Plans are underway to re-start ELL (English Language Learning) classes at VCN this coming September 8. Pastor Rod Green is organizing the program, and several of our folks have already volunteered to be a part of this helpful ministry. Would you like to join us?

ELL Classes start September 8 at VCN, and we would LOVE your help!

“But I don’t speak another language!” You don’t have to speak another language to teach English, or to help others learn English! Several of our successful ELL teachers and workers speak only English. The church provides the curriculum (teachers’ manuals and student textbooks/workbooks). If you are a certified and experienced educator, we especially need your help—even as a support worker or substitute teacher. But while formal teacher training, certification, and experience are helpful, these are not necessary. If you are an experienced Sunday School teacher you can follow these guides with little trouble. Also, there are many similarities to what most of us have experienced in teaching little children to “talk” English. 

Teaching is only one way to help; the program needs all kinds of support and assistance in getting the job done. Join the ELL ministry and become a part of helping others to understand and speak not only English but also the language of Christian love.

Contact Pastor Rod at the Church Office if you are interested in joining this meaningful ministry of love.

(941) 488-5007

Gideons: Reaching out in Faith

Written by Allen Pfundtner, VCN Member and Gideon

Venice Church of the Nazarene has a long, historic link with The Gideons International.  Members of our church, such as Merwin “Papa” Monroe, were a vital link between us and this ministry. Over the years many more of our members have joined with the Gideons, to reach out to our Venice, Nokomis, Englewood, and North Port communities with the gospel and share the good news of our risen Lord. Though over time active members such as Curt and Joan Eagle are no longer able to be with us, our church and the local Gideons continue to flourish.

Today members of the Venice Church of the Nazarene make up the largest population of our local Gideons.  Nazarenes such as Stan Mills, Gordon and Joy Whitten, Mickey and Joan Ray, Rich Betrosian, and Allen Pfundtner help to make our area one of the most active in the state of Florida.  Our Gideon brothers and sisters are extremely active, involved in various scripture distributions, fundraising events, and sharing Jesus in our communities.  It is always heartwarming to see our members out along the highways and byways of life, sharing our Lord, Jesus Christ with those who are seeking the love of a Savior.

Isaiah 55:11 “So is my word that goes out of my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but it will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it”.

VCN and the Gideons have a very close relationship.  Annually, the Gideons give a brief report at VCN, on who they are, what they do, and where.  This is a time when you might hear of many of the exciting things God is doing through the distribution of His Word, and how the Holy Spirit is changing lives as His people witness and share their faith.   The Gideons have also started providing scriptures at our Mana food distribution, on Sunday evening.   VCN has been providing a home for the Gideons' weekly prayer meeting and offering to provide tables and chairs for various events throughout the year.  This partnership has allowed both VCN and the Gideons to grow in their ministry to our community.

Gideon Card Program: Send the Word

There are three basic ways the Gideons raise funds to pay for all of the tens of thousands of scriptures they distribute annually.  One way is by the Gideons themselves; they hold several (faith fund) rallies each year where they collect donations from their members.  A second way is from donations which come from churches that partner with the Gideons (such as VCN).   A third way funds are raised for scriptures is through the Gideon Card Program: Send the Word.   The Gideon card displays are available in most bible believing, evangelical, protestant churches in the south county area (including VCN).   In fact, during December a special part of the Gideon Card Program: Send the Word will be occurring at VCN, called the Birthday For Jesus.   At this time, you may contribute to the ministry and at the same time, write your name on an ornament and place it on the Christmas tree (just inside the front doors of the sanctuary) as a tangible reminder of your commitment to share scriptures with the world.

The local Gideons are hard at work.  This past spring thousands of scriptures were distributed at both the Charlotte County and Sarasota County Fairs. In July our local Gideons placed 138 Bibles in The Gasparilla Inn & Club. Every week our Gideons distribute over one hundred scriptures at the Englewood and Venice Farmer’s Markets. One of the more interesting distributions recently was at a Harvest Festival (with a biblical theme), where we were able to witness and share God’s Word with nearly ninety people (mostly youth and children).

As said before our Gideons are distributing scripture weekly at Manna, where several people have been led to the Lord.  Another large food distribution that has asked our Gideons to join them in sharing Jesus is at the Awaken Church in North Port, where we distribute hundreds of scriptures every month. The Gideons have many other distribution opportunities locally including at the Salvation Army with their Angle Tree ministry, Venice Christian School, other local hotels, USF Tampa, and more. 

Matthew 9:37 “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few”.

You are encouraged to join with the Gideons on the front row of kingdom expansion. If you are saying to yourself, “I don’t have the skills to share my faith,” please don’t fail to join in the next time the Conversations evangelism training workshop is offered here at VCN (just another way the Gideons and VCN are partnering to raise disciples for the Lord).

In conclusion, The Gideons International and Venice Church of the Nazarene are a combination for the Lord Jesus Christ, which truly reaches into our community with faith, hope, and love.

Hats off to the VCN Ladies Ministry

Written by Lynn Lease, VCN Member

Donning hats of all styles and themes, the ladies of VCN gathered on Saturday, April 20 in the VCN Fellowship Hall for fun, food, and fellowship. A gathering of Christian sisters is always a beautiful opportunity to share, encourage, and laugh!

Hats took center stage thanks to Pam Starr and her collection of assorted hats set as beautiful centerpieces on each table. Thanks, Pam!

The food was a hit with Sandy Bradford's famous chicken salad set on croissants accompanied by fresh fruit on salad greens. Sandy and her dedicated food committee went all out with desserts galore to satisfy any sweet tooth. And of course, we had tea, which we all drank with our pinkies up!

Hats were on parade thanks to Mary Lou Cox who coordinated a hat contest offering prizes for (1) Most Creative/Original, (2) Fanciest Theme, and (3) Best of Show. Winners were (1) Jan Lappin, our beloved pie baker for her very original pie pan hat, (2) LeeAnn Helzer for her Hawaiian luau theme hat, and (3) Lynn Lease for her Bees in the Flower Garden hat.

Music was provided by Beth Calabro, keyboard, and Tammy Barbee, vocals. These beautifully talented ladies offered a collective rendition of worship songs to focus our hearts and minds on our gratitude for our Heavenly Father.

Debbie Henderson gave a personal and encouraging reminder of the many hats we wear. Here’s a short excerpt from her talk in which she encouraged us to turn to God for help in removing the hats from the enemy and to replace them with hats from the Father:

“As women, we wear many and varied hats over our lifetime. Hats are both protective and ornamental. But there are hats that we sometimes wear that others have placed on our heads. They are not hats we would choose for ourselves and some are downright painful. We need to become aware and intentional about our hats as Christian women. Hats that are God’s design are purposeful, protective, and ornamental. Christ laid down his heavenly crown and chose a crown of thorns for us so that we might be saved. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can remove those hats designed to steal, kill, and destroy us and put on the hats that give abundant life.”

We are grateful for the VCN Ladies Ministry. With thankful hearts, we tip our hats to the leaders, Juanita Jones and Marlys Shride. Many hours of brainstorming, planning, preparing, and praying go into this ministry. If you see them, please tell them thank you for sharing their time and talents!

The VCN Ladies Ministry will pause during the summer months. There are some fun activities already planned for the next year starting in September, including a Craft Fair, a Thrifty Shopper outing, a Christmas Home Tour, a Game Night, a Talent Night, and other events including the possibility of a VCN Ladies Retreat! More details will be shared in the fall.

In the meantime, if you are looking for other fellowship opportunities this summer, see the VCN Weekly Updates or your church bulletin for details. Stop by the Welcome Desk on Sundays to learn more and to sign up for some of the fun things happening in our church community.

For now, enjoy these pictures - and we hope to see you at the next event!

We Celebrate Recovery at VCN

Written by Karen Baldizzone, Ministry Leader for VCN’s Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery (CR) has been offered at VCN for two years. Originally started at Saddleback Church in California in 1991 by John Baker and Rick Warren, CR is offered today in over 30,000 churches worldwide. CR is a Christ-centered, Bible-based 12-Step Program to celebrate God’s healing power in our lives as we work on our recovery. We follow the 8 Principles which are based on the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12) and the Scripturally-based 12 Steps.

There are times when the stress and hurts of life get so overwhelming that it tends to push some to search for unhealthy ways of dealing with it. Some will make decisions that eventually begin to destroy their and their family’s lives. This is when help is needed.

CR is a program for more than issues with drugs and alcohol. This is a program for hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Let me elaborate:

  • Hurts – this is where it all began. Some were a child of a dysfunctional family. Some suffered from verbal, emotional, or sexual abuse. Others are dealing with abandonment issues. These are things that can lead to hang-ups.

  • Hangups - beliefs we developed about ourselves from our hurts. Some deal with anger, trust issues, recurring negative thoughts, depression, and even fear. These are things that can lead to habits.

  • Habits. Some deal with alcohol, drugs, gambling, eating disorders, or codependency issues, just to name a few.

Our habits stem from our original hurts. We must get to the root of these hurts so we can start to heal, and CR helps us do that. The steps and principles in this program allow the participants to dig deep into their past through group meetings. They can share hurts that have impacted them most of their lives and many times address behaviors for the first time. They finally experience the freedom of not being held back by their past. They experience acceptance and love without condemnation, which ultimately helps them grow in their relationship with God. This is achieved through our CR meetings. These meetings are where you delve deep within and work the 12 steps, all of which lead you on the road to recovery.

You are invited to come and check it out. We meet in the VCN Fellowship Hall every Monday evening at 7 pm. For more information, feel free to contact the Church Office at 941-488-5007 or, even better, attend a meeting! We look forward to seeing you soon.

Slowing Down to Enjoy Each Season

By Seta Green, VCN Member

In the summer of 2023, I had the privilege to visit the Holy Land (Israel and Palestine) and walk through the paths Jesus and His disciples would have walked. This was a dream (details for the "why" in another blog) that came true thanks to loving and giving friends and my sweet husband's commitment to making this trip happen (yes, it had been postponed several times). 

We did go to the Holy Land and came back safely. A surreal experience. A crash course on the who, what, where, and when of Jesus. A memorable time. Did I feel Jesus? Did I have a spiritual awakening? Did I bow down and worship? No, I didn't. It didn't happen. If you know me you would know how highly sensitive person I am. I would cry for the slightest reason. Not a tear fell down my cheeks. So what happened? My trip to "be where Jesus was" turned into a mirage. If you know me, you also know that I prefer to avoid sticking to one subject for a long time. Hence, a new paragraph, a new topic, or is it?

I often hear people saying statements like, "Time is passing so fast", and "Where did the time go?" I was at Target on December 2nd when an employee told me to hurry up and buy any Christmas decorations since she was changing that stand to a New Year's Eve stand. WAIT, it is still December 2nd. “Why are you rushing,” I wanted to ask her. Going home, I felt like a child whose doll was ripped away from her. "I don't want to miss Christmas, the coming of Christ, the Son," I was thinking. Thus came the resolution to start an advent reading and commit to it.

On December 4, I was reading Luke chapter four where Jesus was tested in the wilderness. "The devil led Him up in a high place and showed Him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world" (Luke 4:5). The seconds froze and I was taken back to that mountain (what we think was the most probable place), the one I saw in person on my trip to the Holy Land. I recalled seeing a local with his son trying to make a profit from us, the tourists, who were mesmerized by that place. I recall speaking with the little boy who was selling handmade bracelets. Jesus had been right there. Jesus may have seen passersby who may have offered Him food or drink. Jesus had been there and He, God the Son, wanted to be emptied from earthly desires to show the devil what happens to the person who trusts the Lord. Temptations come and go. If you trust in the Lord you say "No, No, No" to the devil's temptations.

It dawned on me that maybe it wasn't going to the Holy Land that was going to bring change in me, but bringing the Holy Land with me as I go. Reading the Bible with the streets, neighborhoods, or towns I have seen in the background of my mind. This season is slowing me down. So slow that I can stop to take in all that Jesus has done for me and you. Take in all that was in mind when the angel appeared to Mary. Take in all the grace and mercy shown on the cross.

Time, slow down so I can enjoy a colorful, meaningful, and life-changing Bible.

January 2024 Events

Happy New Year Everyone! As we move into 2024, we hope you have a chance to reflect and remember important milestones in your life, both the good and the challenging. The constant through it all is God, our rock and our foundation. God held all things together in 2023 and will do the same in 2024 even as God draws us near to guide us into peace, reconciliation, and truth.


January at VCN should be renamed Missions Inspiration Month. Faith Promise happens each January. It is the time when we prayerfully consider the amount, above our tithe, we promise to give to mission efforts around the world in 2024. In 2023, our VCN family gave $90,000 to Faith Promise which in turn has helped pay missionary salaries and health care benefits AND support Jesus Film outreach, Christian schools in Haiti and Jordan, church-based community gardening in Eswatini, and refugee outreach in Armenia, to name only a few.


To kick off new 2024 Faith Promise initiatives will be our Faith Promise Weekend with special speaker Dr. Eugene Duarte, who served as the Africa Regional Director for many years and retired as General Superintendent this past June. He is now the Vice Chancellor of the African Nazarene University in Kenya. Dr. Duarte will speak on Saturday, January 27th at 10:30 am, followed by a free Chic-fil-A lunch together, then he will be our special guest speaker Sunday morning in the 10:30 am service. Get ready for God to inspire us to make a promise to 2024 mission efforts by faith (hence the term, Faith Promise…..get it?) Start praying now to get a sense of the part God would like for us to play in missions around the world in 2024 and share hope with the world.


Sunday Evening Jan. 7th: To get us started early in thinking about FAITH PROMISE….Claude and Sandy Sisler, retired missionaries in Costa Rica (and other places), will share their stories with us. We will gather in the fellowship hall at 6 pm, and donuts and cider will be served for a time of fellowship. Mark your calendar now.


January 12 - VCN Game Night, 5:30 pm

Bring your favorite game, and rumor has it that chili is on the menu. Sign up at the welcome center and get more information.

January 20 - J.O.Y. (Just Other Youth)

Come visit to the Florida Train Museum, leaving the church at 11 am sharp. Sign up at the welcome center. All Aboard!

January 24 - Allison Speer in the 10:30 Worship Service

Allison Speer will bring inspiration through her music, story-telling, and humor. Invite someone to attend with you and introduce them to your VCN family.

VCN Sunday School Classes

If you are not attending a Sunday school class, then maybe you should resolve to do that in 2024 and start next Sunday at 9:00 am! We have world-class teachers at VCN. If you regularly attend then resolve to convince a friend or two to start making Sunday school a routine Sunday-morning thing to do. The benefits are spiritual growth, making close friends, getting prayer support, knowledge, and answers to questions you don’t even know you have. Don’t let yourself say, “It’s not for me.”

Be resolute in 2024… Sunday School is for Everyone!

Did you know?

We have a LOT going on at the church every week. Here’s a list of some of the opportunities to get involved:

  • Men’s Bible Study - Tuesdays at 7 pm in the Fellowship Hall and on Zoom

  • Manna Ministry Food Distribution - Sundays at 4:30 in the Fellowship Hall

  • Celebrate Recovery - Mondays at 7 pm in the Fellowship Hall

  • Grief Share - Saturdays at 10 am

  • Men’s Golf Group - Contact Jim Johnston for details

  • Women’s Golf Group - Contact Cindy Crabtree for details

  • Quilt’n Sew - Thursdays from 9 am-Noon - contact Jan Acton for details

  • Children’s Church - Sundays at 10:30 in the Fellowship Hall

  • Youth Group - Wednesdays from 6:30-8 pm in the Youth Room

  • Weekly Prayer Group - Wednesdays at 5:15 pm in the Sanctuary Foyer led by Pastor Kip

For all weekly church updates including service times, classes, ministry opportunities, special events, and more or to join the church mailing list, click for the VCN Weekly Update.

December 2023 Events

Birthdays & Anniversaries

We have many birthdays and anniversaries this month. Click HERE to see who is celebrating! Perhaps say a prayer for someone on their birthday or anniversary or send a card to let them know they are loved.

Sunday School - Something for Everyone!

Every Sunday during the 9am hour, we have something for everyone - for the young and the young-at-heart! Stop by the Fellowship Hall (the building entrance closest to Venice Avenue) any Sunday at 9am for directions to a class designed just for you!

Gideons International - Bibles for Christmas

Will you help spread the news of the reason for the season? The Gideons would love your help in giving the best gift of all this Christmas season - the good news of Jesus Christ. You are invited to help provide the gift of Bibles through the beautiful ministry of Gideons International. Visit their table in the Sanctuary Foyer on Sunday.

Welcome to VCN - Youth & Family Ministries Director

Rita Lao will be joining VCN as our Youth & Family Ministries Director, and we are preparing the parsonage house for her and her family. If you would like to help get their new home ready for them, please contact the church office today.

Ladies’ Night Out - December 5th - Christmas Edition

Ladies’ Night Out is TUESDAY, December 5th at Waterfrontoo (2205 N Tamiami Trail, Nokomis) at 5 pm. This month is a special CHRISTMAS EDITION. Bring an ornament for the ornament exchange and wear your ugliest Christmas sweater! Contact the church office to add your name to the list. This takes place on the first Tuesday of every month, so if you cannot make it this month, put it on your calendar for next month.

Ladies’ Night of Joy - December 8th

The Women’s Ministry is hosting a Ladies’ Night of Joy on Friday, December 8th at 6:30 pm in Fellowship Hall C. Bring a “white elephant” gift and prepare for a fabulous evening.

VCN PreSchool Annual Christmas Program - December 12th

You are invited to come see our beautiful VCN preschoolers for their Annual Christmas Program on Tuesday, December 12th at 5:30 pm in the VCN Sanctuary. If you want to see these little ones and meet some of their families, this is a great opportunity to do so. Arrive early to take part in the auction fundraiser.

A VCN Family Christmas - December 15th and 17th

You are invited to join us for a beautiful Christmas celebration under the musical direction of Worship Pastor Roger Byrd. Two opportunities to attend: Friday, December 15th at 7 pm and Sunday, December 17th at 10:30 am. Enjoy the music performed by the VCN Choir, Children’s Choir, and special guest Marshall Hall - recording artist, songwriter, arranger, producer, and former member of the Gaither Vocal Band. Please invite your friends, family, and neighbors to join us. Invitation cards are available at the Welcome Center.

Did you know?

We have a LOT going on at the church every week. Here’s a list of some of the opportunities to get involved:

  • Men’s Bible Study - Tuesdays at 7 pm in the Fellowship Hall and on Zoom

  • Manna Ministry Food Distribution - Sundays at 4:30 in the Fellowship Hall

  • Celebrate Recovery - Mondays at 7 pm in the Fellowship Hall

  • Grief Share - Saturdays at 10 am

  • Men’s Golf Group - Contact Jim Johnston for details

  • Women’s Golf Group - Contact Cindy Crabtree for details

  • Quilt’n Sew - Thursdays from 9 am-Noon - contact Jan Acton for details

  • Children’s Church - Sundays at 10:30 in the Fellowship Hall

  • Youth Group - Wednesdays from 6:30-8 pm in the Youth Room

  • Weekly Prayer Group - Wednesdays at 5:15 pm in the Sanctuary Foyer led by Pastor Kip

For all weekly church updates including service times, classes, ministry opportunities, special events, and more or to join the church mailing list, click for the VCN Weekly Update.

Advent Reflections

By Pastor Rod Green, Associate Pastor

December at VCN is always a busy, joyful, and meaningful month. The focus of the month is Advent…the season of anticipation and preparation for God to become king. Jesus was born and grew up telling us about the kingdom of God, which is mysteriously near but also here all at the same time. The celebration of Christmas is the miracle of Jesus, the Word of God present at creation, emptying himself to be born under occupation to a simple couple from a despised town distant from the holy city of Jerusalem. “The world turned upside down,” to borrow a phrase from an 18th-century British tune.

Each Sunday in December up until Christmas we will light a candle from the advent wreath. The advent readings this year were written by John Haines, a retired Nazarene missionary who served in the Eurasia Region as Theological Education Coordinator. John has incorporated two Charles Wesley hymns written around 1745 in our readings. Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus is a familiar hymn we sing together every year. The other hymn is Join, All Ye Joyful Nations, which will be used as a congregational response. In case you want to practice, here are the words to this hymn, which so vividly expresses the amazing aspects of Jesus’ birth:

Join all ye joyful nations
The acclaiming hosts of Heav’n!
This happy morn a child is born
To us a son is given.

The messenger and token
Of eternal favor,
God hath sent down to us His Son,
A universal Savior!

The wonderful Messiah,
Joy of every nation,
Jesus His name, with God the fame,
The Lord of all creation.

The counselor of sinners,
Mighty to deliver,
The Prince of Peace, whole love’s increase,
Shall reign in Man forever.

Go see the King of glory,
Seek the heavenly stranger,
So poor and mean, His court an inn,
His cradle is a manger.

Who from His father’s bosom
Now for us descended
Who built the skies, on earth He lies,
By only beasts attended.

Whom all the angels worship,
Hid in human nature;
Incarnate see the deity,
The infinite creator!

See the stupendous blessing
God to us hath given!
A child of man, in length a span,
Who fills both earth and Heaven.

Gaze on that helpless object,
Endless adoration!
Those infant hands shall burst our bands,
And work out our salvation.

Strangle the crooked serpent,
Burn his works forever,
And open set the heavenly gate
To every true believer.

Till then, Thou holy Jesus,
We bow low before Thee,
Our treasures bring, to serve our king,
And joyfully adore Thee.

To Thee we gladly render,
What Thy grace hath given,
Till Thou appear in glory here,
And take us up to Heaven

It will be interesting to see if we can recite these verses without stumbling on the words, but more importantly, I hope we can cherish the sentiment in our hearts and grow in devotion to Christ our King.

Ministry Spotlight: Quilting and Sewing Ministry

Written by Wilma Harris, Quilting and Sewing Ministry Leader

The VCN Quilting and Sewing Ministry began in January 2011. At that time it was known as “Covers for Kids” and was part of the Children’s Ministry. Covers were made and given to children ages 3 years and younger, and each year in May there was a special recognition day during the church service to introduce these young church attendees to the congregation.

Soon the group realized it needed an updated name and mission statement as the group expanded to creating more than these small covers for kids. The mission statement for the VCN Quilting and Sewing Ministry became, “Spreading love, warmth, and friendship through the distribution of lap covers and other handmade items.”

Quilts are often given to our recent high school graduates.

The group of 10 to 20 people meets in the VCN Fellowship Hall A every Thursday from 9 am to Noon. Everyone is invited to attend, and you do not have to attend VCN to participate. We need people of all skills - from quilting and sewing to cutting and sorting. (VCN Weekly Groups Information)

Volunteers can help with a variety of tasks, from quilting and sewing to cutting and sorting.

The Ministry operates through generous donations of fabric, yarn, and other sewing supplies. Occasionally cash donations are received when someone requests a special item to be made. We have also received donations of large items from friends of the group including things such as a rolling storage chest, a sewing machine in a rolling cabinet, and several portable sewing machines. The ministry also purchases things such as batting for the covers and VCN garment label tags which are attached to almost all items.

I’m sure you are wondering what happens to all the items we make. Individual visits are made when we know of someone who is sick, had surgery, or just needs a smiling face to show up at their door. Not only do we visit church members, but we also visit friends of friends and family members. We love referrals and are happy to make the visits. We also mail items when needed.

This ministry meets weekly and is open to anyone who wants to join.

New brides, graduating seniors, and new babies each receive a cover. We support nursing homes, assisted living facilities, small group homes, memory care homes, Sarasota Memorial Maternity Ward, Pregnancy Solutions, The Twig - a foster kids program, Samaritan’s Purse, Family Promise, and areas that are damaged by floods, tornados, and hurricanes. Our largest project was in 2013 when 125 covers were made and donated to Loveland Center School. The largest gift to Samaritan’s Purse was in 2018 when 100 pillowcase dresses (yes, dresses sewn using pillowcases!) were given.

Usually, in May and December, we load the VCN bus up with the “goodies” we have created, hop aboard, and visit and deliver to the homes in the area. It is hard to describe the joy this brings to all the residents we visit.

Heading out to deliver quilts and to share love and comfort with those in need.

Covers are the top priority, but a few of the other items that we make include walker bags, adult clothing protectors, cosmetic bags, tote bags, crocheted and knitted items, glass cases, book bags, baby bibs, burp pads, new baby caps, booties, and receiving blankets.

For one retirement center, we provide a monthly craft hour where our volunteers assist the residents in making the craft of the month.

Please visit the VCN Library to browse through our scrapbooks and enjoy the history of our ministry.

For additional information about getting involved in the Quilting and Sewing Ministry through participation or donation, contact the VCN Church Office at 941-488-5007.