Jesus and the Roses
by Pastor Gary Ball, Pastor of Congregational Care
I thought today I would share briefly what my life is like and what I have been thinking about lately. As most of you know, I was in the ministry full-time for over 40 years and now serve VCN in a part-time position. It is a privilege, and I don’t say that with a flippant attitude. It is true some things changed drastically regarding the ebb and flow of my life.
For one thing, the pattern of daily life has changed, such as, huge chunks of the day were once spent reading the Scripture in Greek and of course in English. I spent hours researching specific current topics and used the Bible to make sense of the direction the world was heading in! I had dozens of phone calls, text messages, and meetings each day that needed to be processed, categorized and acted upon. This all might sound like your normal day. But, even though the current days are sprinting by and my calendar is hard to keep up with, my life has slowed down and I really do enjoy smelling the roses.
One thing that has changed is the place I spend time in prayer, scripture, and thought. I have several favorite locations that have become my regular temple of worship. The beach, just prior to sunrise, is a weekly spot I meet with God. Over 30 years in this area, and I spent very little time at the beach. Now, with a beach chair, a fishing pole, and a listening ear, I meet God in prayer. As the waves wash the shores, I have an indescribable conversation with the Lord.
Another very special place I meet almost daily with Jesus is along the miles of walking paths and sidewalks of my neighborhood. About 30 minutes before the sun rises, I begin a brisk walk with buds fashioned to my ears and scripture pouring into my thirsty brain. The time seems to melt away as I imagine myself a companion of Jesus as He walked the limestone ridges of Judea. I also spend time during the 60+ minutes praying for my loved ones and the special needs of VCN.
Lately, I have been thinking about the person of Jesus. He was only 33 years old when he completed what God the Father sent him to do. He was a young man! We often hear Him speaking very serious words that have changed lives past, present and future. But I enjoy imagining the face of the young man, Jesus, when he heard the words of the Leper exclaim, “I am clean!” and the blind man shout “I can see!” Jesus must have had a smile on his face and he must have hugged those he healed and laughed out loud! In this world, I am often serious when as I consider the direction of our society and its appetite for sinful folly. There is a time for somber expression but let us not allow the rebellion against righteousness to steal the joy of salvation and wholeness imparted by Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord!
Enjoy your time with Jesus each day and be sure to stop and smell the roses.